Tällaisia parametrejä tarjotaan shroomerystä..
Spawn Run:
Incubation Temperature:65-75 ?F (18-24 ?C)
Relative Humidity:95-100%
Duration:45-60 days
CO2:>5,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges:0-1 per hour
Light Requirements:n/a
Primordia Formation:
Initiation Temperature:45-55 ?F (7-13 ?C)
Relative Humidity:95-100%
Duration:10~14 days
CO2:1,000-2,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges:2-4 per hour or as
Light Requirements:400-800 lux
Fruitbody Development:
Temperature:50-65 ?F (10-18 ?C)
Relative Humidity:90-95%
Duration:10-20 days
CO2:1,000-2,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges:2-4 per hour or as
Light Requirements:400-800 lux
Cropping Cycle:
Two crops,3-4 weeks apart
If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. - Thomas Jefferson