I went to some Asian store in Helsinki and found Red Rice flour so I will try it with that now. I heard you get nice pink cakes haha. Plus it was only 2€ for 1kg
Isopropyl alcohol scalpel syringes and that stuff I ordered from some big lab/medical equipment shops in Germany. Next time I will try the apteekki otherwise.
Here the links if you are interested
http://glp-shop.de/shophttp://www.laborbedarf-kohl.de/Sinol looks like Spiritus, is it really useable for propper desinfection ?
I was also bit shocked by the price of Kalsiumkloridi costs like 3 times more then in other countries
not a cheap place to live here
Has anybody ever tried to sterilize those Pirkka plastic boxes to freeze your food ? Do those things melt in the pressure cooker or do they stay in one piece. I saw its PP(5) so it should be the right plastic but they seem pretty thin.