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Graham Hancock Kosmos-festivaaleilla

Poissa Kosminen Nauraja

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Graham Hancock is the author of the major international non-fiction bestsellers The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, The Message of the Sphinx, Heaven’s Mirror, Underworld and Supernatural, and of the epic adventure novels Entangled and War God. His books have sold more than seven million copies worldwide and have been translated into thirty languages.

His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series, Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age, as well as his strong presence on the internet, have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises resonant questions about humanity’s past and about our present predicament.

Ja on siellä myös muuan Luis Eduardo Luna.

Luis Eduardo Luna: Sacred Plants from pre-Columbia America and Nature Worship (CO)

Luis Eduardo Luna was born in the Colombian Amazon area. He has a Ph.D. from the Department of Comparative Religion Stockholm University (1989) and an honorary doctoral degree from St. Lawrence, Canton, New York (2002).  He retired in 2011 from the Department of Modern Language and Communication at the Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki. He was an Assistant Professor in Anthropology (1994-1998) at the Department of Anthropology of Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC) in Florianópolis, Brazil.

Dr. Luna is the author of Vegetalismo: Shamanism among the Mestizo Population of the Peruvian Amazon (1986), a co-author with Pablo Amaringo of Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman (1991), and co-author with Slawek Wojtowicz, Rick Strassman and Ede Frecska of Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys Through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies (2008). He is also a co-editor with Steven White of Ayahuasca Reader: Encounters with the Amazon’s Sacred Vine (2000). Dr. Luna is the Director of the Research Center for the Study of Psychointegrator Plants, Visionary Art and Consciousness, Florianópolis, Brazil. He has lecture world-wide on shamanism and altered states of consciousness.
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Poissa Kosminen Nauraja

    • Viestejä: 374
    • Karma: 111
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Molempien heppujen luennot olivat täyttä rautaa. Mahtoiko täältä kukaan muu olla kuuntelemassa?

Kuvittelin että Hancockin puhe olisi ollut jokseenkin tarkka toisinto TED Talkista, koska otsikko oli sama. Sisältö oli kuitenkin ihan hyvässä mielessä erilainen.

Sekä Hancock että Luna vastailivat myös yleisön kysymyksiin ja Q & A osiot olivatkin yhtä mielenkiintoisia kuin varsinaiset puheosiot.

Musiikkitarjonta oli ikävä kyllä peruspuuduttavaa konepapatusta.

Myyntikojuista pisti silmään yksi, jossa myyttiin pikkupulloissa Amsterdam Poppers nimellä jotain teknistä liuotinta:

Ei siis käsittääkseni ehtaa amyylinitraattia vaan jotain imppaamiseen sopivaa eetterin tapaista. Yksi pullo tarttui matkaan, odottaa vielä unboxing istuntoa.
Printtiversio Taika -oppaasta on tilattavissa Tajunta -kaupasta.
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