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FluX · 76 · 38628

Poissa FluX

    • Viestejä: 206
    • Karma: 11
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Paul Stamets on the Modern History of the Psilocybin Mushroom

No chat, no music, no comedy- just 100% Stamets in this talk that was just too good to wait to put out. This talk comes from the Psychoactivity Conference in Amsterdam, the same event as the Episode 12- Christian Rätsch- Psychoactivity: The Fountain of Culture talk. Stamets doesn’t talk much about psychoactive mushrooms these days so this is a rare chance to hear him in full flight on the subject. He covers the recent history of the mushroom, starting with Wasson then the McKenna brothers’ infamous book on cultivation and on into the explosion of home cultivation and the dissemination of the information worldwide...


Poissa Matias

  • Luotettava tunnistaja
    • Viestejä: 691
    • Karma: 149
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Tähän viestiketjuun voitaisiin jatkossa lisätä tällaisia yksittäisiä materiaaleja, jotka eivät suoraan muihin viestiketjuihin oikein istu. Aiheen otsikko muokattu tähän sopivaksi.

Paul Stamets on the Modern History of the Psilocybin Mushroom

Erittäin mielenkiintoinen pätkä. Vahvisti paljon juuri tänään syntyneitä aatoksiani.

Plussaa jakamisesta.

Poissa FluX

    • Viestejä: 206
    • Karma: 11
    • Profiili How Mushrooms can Help you Live Forever

Immunologist and urological surgeon Dr. Marvin Hausman discusses his research into food as medicine, and in particular, the healing properties of mushrooms on Coast to Coast. This conversation ranges over a wider area of health and diet information and shows in particular how fungi can be the key to a healthy immune system by helping with vitamin D deficiencies. They discuss both psychoactive and medicinal mushrooms in a wide range of illnesses such as diabetes, alzheimer's and depression.

Dr Haussman then explains how fungi can help you reach the ripe old age of 120!

ps. tuollahan näyttäisi olevan vaikka mitä juttuja, jokainen varmaan löytää omat kiinnostuksensa selaamalla sivua..

Poissa FluX

    • Viestejä: 206
    • Karma: 11
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Reishi Ganoderma: Miraculous King of Herbs

Red Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum), commonly known as Ling Zhi in Chinese, is a herbal mushroom known to have miraculous health benefits. It has been used in Japan and China for over 2,000 years and thus making it the oldest mushroom known to have been used as medicine. Since ancient times, the Reishi mushroom was reserved for emperors and royalties. It has been revered as nature’s rarest and most beneficial herb. In the Superior category of Shen Nung Ben Cao Jing, the oldest and most famous medical text on Oriental herbal medicine, red Reishi is ranked as the number one herb, ahead of ginseng, because of its following qualities: 1. It is non-toxic and can be taken daily without producing any side effects. 2. When it is taken regularly, it can restore the body to its natural state, enabling all organs to function normally. 3. Immune modulator - regulates and fine tunes the immune system. What are the benefits of Reishi? Red Reishi is primarily composed of complex carbohydrates called water-soluble polysaccharides, triterpeniods, proteins and amino acids. Researchers have identified that water-soluble polysaccharides are the most active element found in Red Reishi that have anti-tumour, immune modulating and blood pressure lowering effects. Another major active ingredient found in Red Reishi are triterpenes , called ganoderic acids. Preliminary studies indicated that ganoderic acids help alleviate common allergies by inhibiting histamine release, improve oxygen utilization and improve liver functions. Triterpenes are bitter in taste and the level of the triterpene content contained in a product can be determined by the bitterness. Regular consumption of red Reishi can enhance our body's immune system and improve blood circulation, thus improving better health conditions. Generally, Reishi is recommended as an immune modulator and a general tonic. Red Reishi is also used to help treat anxiety, high blood pressure, hepatitis, bronchitis, insomnia, and asthma. (Health benefits of Red Reishi)

Poissa FluX

    • Viestejä: 206
    • Karma: 11
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(jakso 5)

(kannattaa hankkia paremmalla kuvalla, jos haluaa nähdä hienosti kuvattua rihmaston kasvua..
+kerrotaan kasvien ja sienien yhteiselämästä muutenkin..)


    • Viestejä: 760
    • Karma: 47
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Tosiaan tossa ylläolevassa Fluxin laittamassa videossa aletaan käsittelemään sieniä 17 minuutin kohdalla. Ajattelin mainita, jos joku haluaa kelata siihen kohtaan. Mielenkiintoinen oli kyllä kokonaisuudessaan. Luonto on ihmeellistä.

Poissa Lion's mane

  • Luotettava tunnistaja
    • Viestejä: 249
    • Karma: 66
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Kantarellejen ja Huhtasienten sienestystä "rapakon" takana.

Mushroom Hunting - Pacific NW - Chanterelles - 1 of 4
Mushroom Hunting - Pacific NW - Chanterelles - 1 of 4

Mushroom Hunting - Pacific NW - Morels - 1 of 3
Mushroom Hunting - Pacific NW - Morels - 1 of 3

Poissa Lion's mane

  • Luotettava tunnistaja
    • Viestejä: 249
    • Karma: 66
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Psilocybe Semilanceata: A Closer Inspection:
A short film visually exploring the varying forms of one species of mushroom.

Psilocybe Semilanceata: A Closer Inspection

Poissa Matias

  • Luotettava tunnistaja
    • Viestejä: 691
    • Karma: 149
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Psilocybe Semilanceata: A Closer Inspection:
A short film visually exploring the varying forms of one species of mushroom.
